What is a promotor / passive / detractor?

Depending on how someone rates you, they are classified as a promotor, passive, or detractor.

promotor-jpg-1 Promotors = loyal customers

Passives = indifferent customers

Detractors = unhappy customers

Whether someone is classified as a promotor, passive, or detractor depends on the rating system they used (5 stars, NPS, etc) and the rating they gave.

5 stars

1-2 = Detractor
3 = Passive
4-5 = Promotor

1-10 Rating

9-10 = Promotor
7-8 = Passive
1-6 = Detractor


Frowny Face = Detractor
Straight Face  = Passive
Smiley Face = Promotor

Thumbs Up/Down

Thumbs Down = Detractor
Thumbs Up = Promotor

NPS Score (0 - 10 rating)

0-6 = Detractor
7-8 = Passive
9-10 = Promotor

CES (1-7 rating)

1-3 = Detractor
4-5 = Passive
6-7 = Promotor

CSAT (satisfaction scale)

Very Unsatisfied or Unsatisfied = Detractor
Neutral = Passive
Satisfied or Very Satisfied = Promotor