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Security FAQ

We'll answer some frequently asked questions on the topic of security

Is Boast data encrypted at rest? 

Is Boast data encrypted in transit?

Where is Boast data stored? Do I need to host my data?
All Boast data is hosted securely through our cloud provider (Amazon AWS). Boast handles storing all the data you collect - so you don't need to host it! We provide widgets you can use on your website and links to download all data and media associated with your account.

Can the public see my testimonials once they're submitted?
By default, all responses come into your account with a status of "Needs Review" - so your data is completely private by default. You can change the default status to be "Private", "Unlisted", or "Published". Check your form settings to double check this value. If you're using the "Social Sharing Links" component on your form Thank You Page, it'll default any Responses submitted through that form to "Unlisted". 

Is Boast HIPAA-compliant? 
Check out this knowledge-base article for more details: https://support.boast.io/is-boast-hipaa-compliant


You can read more specifics about our security policies by taking a look at the following documents: